Introduction to Kiss My Grits: Southern Humor with a Side of Tasty Fixin's

Being a food lover all my life, I’ve been collecting and testing recipes ever since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. My fondness for cooking (and eating) eventually teamed up with my desire to share my recipes, so I began writing cookbooks.

So far I’ve penned twelve tomes on various cooking topics, but not a single one on Southern cuisine. I do declare! As my mama asked me many times, “Gloria Jean, don’t you have a lick of sense?”

Since I’m a Southern girl through and through—born in Louisiana and raised in Texas, I reckon it’s high time I got around to writing a book filled with good old Southern recipes. My mouth is watering just thinking about fried chicken, potato salad, banana pudding and pecan pie. This book is chock full of my family’s favorites.

And because I’m not the serious type, I like my food served up with some humor on the side. So I tucked in a few tall tales from my childhood about me and my kin that I hope will tickle your funny bone.

Most books by Southern women, about Southern women, carry on and on about the endless rules imposed on those pathetic creatures—never wear white shoes after Labor Day, never use dark meat in your chicken salad, and never, ever forget to send thank you notes.

My poor mama, bless her heart, she tried, but I never took kindly to following a bunch of senseless rules. For small-town Southern Baptist girls, my two sisters and I were a pretty feisty lot—traditional belles we were not.

Now, don’t get me wrong. My Southern roots are deep and Southern cooking is about as good as it gets, but when I was told to mind my manners or else, my response was, “Kiss my grits!”

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